Student gets on his bike for Wirral Autistic Society

A Wirral student plans to cycle 1,300 miles on the other side of the world to raise funds for a charity which cares for his step-brother.

Adam Kenrick, set off this week on his lone journey from the northern tip to the southern tip of New Zealand.

The 20-year-old, from Barnston, is on a six month break from his multi-media studies.

He has no experience of distance cycling and has spent the last few weeks training

He said: "My step-brother, John Ellsmoor is a 21-year-old severely autistic boy.

"He is cared for by the Wirral Autistic Society and I want to raise as much money as I can for them."

Back home his father, Peter, is collecting sponsorship pledges for funds which will go to the society's £1.3m Home from Home appeal to build a much-needed six bedroom respite centre.

The appeal is now half way towards its target and building work will start soon.

To sponsor Adam contact the appeal’s fundraiser, Rick Myers, on 0151 482 3145.