Just got this Cruise Review from Jerry Dyer (Streetlife TV) for the Western Wheels Cruise.....

Looks like a bit of a Scam went on with the Judging <img border="0" alt="[are u mad]" title="" src="graemlins/cwemotions050.gif" />

Blimey O flippin’ Riley, never did one travel so great distances. Sunday was the big one. Gunny had already hit the road on Saturday afternoon to travel across the other side of the country to Weston Super Mare for Weston Wheels ’04. I got down there about three in the afternoon to find a wind-swept landscape with people huddled together in their cars – thank god for the big-top tent: no wind and a continual stage-show of cool DJ’s and some sweet girlz dancin’ up on stage. Well, some shootin’ had to be done and my angle for the day was the ‘best lit’ contest for a little ‘Tron’ style film-short.

So, the sun dips and the cars light up. We get a whole-load park-up around the SLTV stand – stemming the buffeting wind and I get shootin’. A little later the cars disappear off to the arena – I go shoot-up there too, bumping into that geeza from Top Gear – the short one. Anyhoo, loads of security and the crowd are kept about fifty feet from the cars – uh hellllow – these are glow cars – not a demolition derby. Anyways, I’ve got the footage I need and I head back to the stand. Soon enough the cars start filing-out and I’m hearing all these angry voices: ‘What a sham’ and ‘it’s a set-up’ and even ‘they had the results before we even went into the arena’. Blimey, I thought, I smell sumfink nasty.

So this bloke with a real sweetly turned-out homegrown motor, who has a great philosophy behind the neons saying ‘it’s about the affect of the light, not seeing the neon’. So yeh, instead of just slingin’ a loada lights all ova da gaff, this blokes using the lights as they should be used, like the under floor, engine bay, interior and heads. Like this…

[Linked Image]

So there’s this big hoohar and apparently the winning car (under Weston’s judging), a Corsa complete with full neons and an awesome flame-kit, was brought-in by trailer. Now according to the rulebook, and the begrudged owners, no car is legible for entry into the competition if not driven to the site under it’s own steam and NOT on the back of a trailer.

So everyone heads to the FUEL stand where Rich Warren, Hannah, my self and a coupla others do some proper final judging. ICELED’s Calibra, a sweet Scooby and this guy pictured were in the final three. After a while the trophy for WAS given to my recommendation and second and third gracefully accepted the effort and commitment that had gone in to the winning car. The others had all done a great job and each entry was as passionate as the next – but someone’s gotta take it away.

So justice was handed out but the scars for those guys are gonna run deep. Other than that, Weston had a healthy enough turn-out and the club areas were pretty well rammo. One motor I HAD to shoot a still of was this guys Corolla with a Mondeo BACK bumper…on the front – pretty crazy but it works...